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Phone Number

(03) 9879 3358

Mobile Number

0400 171 777

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We ensure that all facets of Owners Corporation or Service Company compliances are attended to in a timely manner.


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(03) 9879 3358

Useful Links                                                                                       

Guide to Owners Corporations (Strata Titles/Body Corporate)

A Guide for Owners Corporations has been developed by Consumer Affairs Victoria to provide an overview of what an Owners Corporation is, and how it operates. You can get copies by telephoning 1300 558 136 or following the link below to the CAV Owners Corporation website.

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Consumer Affairs - Victorian Owners Corporation Website

Consumer Affairs Victoria is a group within the Department of Justice to assist you become aware of your rights and responsibilities as a consumer or trader. Please click on the link to be connected to the CAV Owners Corporation website. 


Owners Corporations Act and Regulations

The Owners Corporations Act 2006 and the Owners Corporations Regulations 2018 are available for purchase in hard copy from Information Victoria, located at 505 Little Collins Street, Melbourne. To speak with a customer representative call 1300 366 356 or order online at

Owners Corporations Act 2006


Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal  (VCAT)




Building Commission

The Building Commission of Victoria oversees building controls to ensure safety, livability and sustainability in our environment.
The Commission oversees building legislation, regulates building practices and provide services to industry and consumers. To be redirected to the Building Commission website please follow the link.


Essential Safety Measures/Fire Prevention Regulations

Essential safety measures are the fire and life safety items installed or constructed in a building to ensure adequate levels of fire safety over the life of the building.  Essential safety measures include all traditional building fire services such as sprinklers, mechanical services, but also include passive fire safety such as fire doors, fire rated structure and other building infrastructure items such as paths of travel to exits.
For further information on Essential Safety Measures please click on the link below.


Land Victoria 


You can obtain a copy of the plan of subdivision for your Owners Corporation from Land Registry of Victoria.